High Hopes – 150 Word Flash Fiction

“Hello boys! I’m Minnie Taylor and I’m the proud new owner of Potts Acres.”

Justin gave Collin a look and reached out his hand to shake hers. “Hello Ma’am.”

“I just love it out here in the country. I reckon it’ll be perfect for my Bible camp. Starts this Sunday. You boys should come on by. I know there’s a lot of work to be done. Lord knows them hooligans been using poor old Aunt Mildred’s property for the work of the devil. See you on Sunday!” The chubby pink-faced lady turned and strutted out of the corner drug store as the two boys stood with their mouths agape.

“Bible camp?”

“You should’ve told her.”

“You should’ve!”

“Well she’ll find out on 4/20 when every kid from the county rolls in to roll up a joint. I always thought it was pretty ironic, the name and all.”

“What’s ironic mean?”

Would you tell her or avoid confrontation?

Chapter II – What the?

Awesome Friday the 13th video – Higher and Higher!

Photo by Madison Woods

104 thoughts on “High Hopes – 150 Word Flash Fiction

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  1. Did I miss the fun? I think not. But I do pity Minnie Taylor. Did the name Potts Acre not strike a chord when she was buying the property? BTW, I think the pun over there is great for literary device. All said and done, a
    lesson from the Bible will not harm the boys, and the ‘hooligans.’ At best, they would only laugh in poor Minnie’s face.
    Could you maybe develop it for a YA short story or novel?
    Here is mine: http://readinpleasure.wordpress.com/2012/04/13/flash-fiction-story-eloped/


  2. Ha ha! Poor Minnie.

    Reference the video: Great fun, but in reality if he was trying to catch he truck don’t you think some of those crazy flips were slowing down his progress? Ha ha. I want to be able to move like that.


    1. Pretty good show although I have seen better parkour. I loved the song!

      I think Minnie may have her blinders on for a little while anyway…I think she probably wears a little hat. 🙂


  3. This is a great piece, Susie! I don’t know how you’re able to write 100 and 150 word flash fiction. So challenging! I took up Debra Kristi’s challenge to write a flash fiction story based on one of her photos from last Friday’s post and 300 words is what I came up with (cut it down from over 400). I really admire you for writing these.

    Let’s see, would I tell the lady? Part of me would want to, and the other part would think, hey, she’ll preach to a bunch of pot heads and they’ll be trippin’ on her words and she won’t even realize they’re all stoned! She might convert a few of them, or she might get a contact high! Uh-oh!


    1. Thanks Lynn! She might! Hahaha! I could see expanding on this one just because the characters are so comical and I would love to explore her reactions to all of the kids. Maybe I should do part II on April 20th next Friday! That would be so funny! We’ll see!

      I will definitely be over to read yours. They are a lot of fun and are a great lesson in editing!


  4. In answer to the question: “How much action can you fit into 150 words?” … a complete scene.

    Tell the tale or avoid confrontation? I have to answer twice: as a writer, of course, I’d be choosing whatever option made the most trouble; in real life — duck and cover. Plot is defined as the stuff we take long detours to avoid in real life.


    1. I am not sure that I asked the question of how much action will fit into 150 words, but I like your answer in confronting the character to make trouble. That is what we should always do to create drama.Thanks for stopping by. Not sure if you liked or hated it or anything else I have written….. 🙂


      1. Found your blog for the first time today! You left a comment on my flash fiction … and led me to the original photo-prompt. (Love it, by the way. I’m a long-form writer who reads flash fiction in a spirit of admiration and envy–like watching gymnasts at the Olympics.)


  5. Haha, a little story full of double meanings. I’d probably try to tell the lady, but I know she wouldn’t listen. So then I’d sure like to be the fly on the wall when it all began to make sense to her…but I suspect it’ll take some explaining on someone’s behalf, haha.


    1. That is so weird Susan! I wasn’t in my spam file either! I found 2 other Fictioneers in there. Next time tweet me and I will check right away! \
      I love your idea that she would one up them and is prepared for the onslot this coming Friday! Hahaha!


  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those boys had seen the devil. Along with Elvis, a cadre of Smurfs, and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

    This one made me chuckle quite heartily! That doesn’t happen to me often. Like the title, too!


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