Top 10 Reasons Why Anyone Would Look Forward to The End of Days

End of Days

This was the sunrise on the auspicious morning of The End of Days.  Did you hear that? Never mind. It was just my stomach rumbling.

Was it a surprise to you that the Mayans got it wrong? Hey. Look at the bright side. All of those dehydrated food packages you bought won’t go bad.

Doomsayers have been predicting the end of the world since it was in its infant stage. Every time a volcano erupted or the Earth shook they ran for cover. Isn’t that what Henny Penny squawked about? “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!”


She should be wearing a pith helmet.

Why would anyone relish the idea of the world coming to an end?

#1. They can’t take another season of Dancing with the Stars.

I am not a fan either, but really, you could just turn off the TV.


From Wikimedia Commons

#2. They won’t have to finish their Christmas shopping.

The real doomsday will come when you have nothing for your wife on Christmas morning.

#3. They can relate to this cat.

grumpy cat

#4. They have taken Walking Dead a little too seriously and want to star in their own reality TV show.

#5. The idea of taking down all of those Christmas lights is overwhelming.

Christmas lights

#6. They believe that the number 13 is unlucky and their compulsive nature won’t allow them to write 2013 on their checks.

Jeez! Who writes checks?

#7. Not having to worry about hair and makeup would be a welcome relief.

bad hair day

A Wild Hair day on the Wild Ride.

#8. They want to try out all of the Zombie Survival Gear they bought on Amazon.

There are 206 results!

#9. They have to be right all of the time and can’t wait to say, “I told you so.”

Come on. Where is the satisfaction in gloating if we all die?

#10. They have climbed Everest, won the Iron Man competition, and want to compete in the ultimate challenge.

Now you can face the challenge of surviving my blog in 2013! 

68 thoughts on “Top 10 Reasons Why Anyone Would Look Forward to The End of Days

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  1. The Mayans apparently managed to come up with the mathematical concept of zero, more than two thousand years ago. Maybe they should’ve quit while they were ahead.

    Great post, Susie. Have a great Christmas, and Happy New Year!


    1. I didn’t know that about the Mayans. Zero is so underrated…
      When I first heard about the fateful prediction I figured the artist just ran out of room…There were many people who went to Mayan ruins to be there for the end of the world. I think they were hoping for something similar to an Indiana Jones movie!

      Thanks so much! I am glad that I met you here in the blogosphere. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a fabulous 2013!


  2. First of all, I have to say…how brave are YOU? To show us your bad hair day. I wouldn’t show mine on a double dare with powerball promises on top.
    You rock, no matter the hair day going. Secondly? Here’s my favorite Christmas song. For my favorite bad hair day blogger.


    1. Thank you Cayman!
      You know that I have no shame. I actually love that photo of me! Hahaha!
      I wish Mariah would sing at our Church on Christmas Eve. How cool would that be????
      Merry Christmas!


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