Use Me and Abuse Me Day – Spring Thaw Edition

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It’s another Use Me and Abuse Me Day here at the Wild Ride. This is your chance to mingle and “pick up” some new subscribers. It’s been a long winter here in Colorado and a virtual party is just what we need to thaw out.

I have some new blogger friends who would love to meet you. Bring ONE link from one of your posts and leave it in the comment section along with a short hook to entice the party-goers. Then start clicking links mingling with the guests! Say, “Hello! Susie sent me.” Hang out at their place for a while. Check out their digs. Subscribe to a few of your new friends. Maybe they will subscribe to your blog!

The more links you click, the better the results.

Only post ONE link from your blog in my comment section or you’ll end up in my spam filter. The spammers have been slipping past the bouncer lately. Stinkers!

It is better to bring a link to a specific post than your blog URL. It’s the difference between being welcomed at the door with a hug and opening it up to find no one home. No one feels comfortable peeking into stranger’s bedrooms while shouting, “Hello? Is anybody home?”

This party always becomes a RAGER, so if you want to stop back in a day or two, there will be more bloggers to check out.

Remember your manners. You wouldn’t go to a party, fill your doggy bag and leave, so make sure to read some posts if you are going to leave yours.

The food is catered from the finest restaurants in Boulder. The barista is already concocting cappuccinos, the bar is open, and the DJ is spinning.

The more YOU click on links, the more fun you’ll have!

Have fun and don’t forget to dance. It’s a great way to warm up. OooooO! OooooO!

198 thoughts on “Use Me and Abuse Me Day – Spring Thaw Edition

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  1. I may have missed the deadline because I just saw the notification in my box this morning, so I am going to jump in now. This post of mine was published on the wonderful Your Life is a Trip blog on April 9. This is my first professionally edited post and I am very proud of how it turned out. I hope you all will enjoy “An American Male on the Make in Italy”


  2. Again Susie you are so cool to be doing this! I am a bit late to the party as that little thing called work got in the way. Hopew I can still grab a cocktail and shmooze a bit. I had a bit of “Elevator Enragement” this week that really ticked me off! I know you saw it, so here is the link to share.



  3. I’m back, Susie. What did you put in that coffee…, cappawhetver stuff ???
    Was that stuff spiked ??? Good lord…, I was tryin’ to sober up on that !!!
    Great party, great guests, ‘n’ I made a few new friends. Just stopped by to say thanks and warn everybody about that coffee stuff. G’nite, darlin’ girl.


    1. Thanks Paul! I am so glad you came! I am still reading everyone’s stories. They are excellent as usual!
      Sorry about the Irish Coffee. 🙂 I should have warned you! But you have to admit it was fun dancing to DJ Ksmash!


    1. Thanks for coming Ted! That was a funny take on the prompt.
      I finally made through reading every one of these links. They were fantastic! Have fun introducing yourself. 🙂


  4. Ahem! (*stands up*) My name is Jackie Edwards, and I am a lurker, it’s been six weeks since my last post.
    But, I am going to reform, honest I am. I wrote a post today, and I will keep up with my blog more often.
    Joking aside, I love reading your blog, you have have such a nice chatty way of writing, I feel as if I know you personally, even though I live ‘across the pond’, and we have never met.
    So, less lurking and more interaction! these are my new ‘words to live by’


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