“Share the Love!” A New Idea for Valentine’s Day

Cupids and heart Valentine

February 14th is Valentine’s Day, the most divisive holiday of all. Some love it while others hate it. No news there.

But I had a thought.

What if we transform the couple’s celebration of exclusive, romantic love, to a day of inclusivity? Okay. I’m not talking about threesomes, but what if we twist the term, refocus the lens, and define it differently?


We could celebrate a day of sharing the love by sending out positive vibes to everyone we meet. There are a bazillion ways we could do that.

  • Pay it forward. On Valentine’s Day, put yourself out there to help someone who’s struggling.
  • Pay it backward. Buy coffee for the person behind you in line.
  • Go out of your way to use manners. Hold the door. Offer your seat. Say “Please,” and “Thank you.”
  • Make a few sincere compliments and someone might feel good about themselves.
  • Smile. I promise it won’t kill you and you’ll be surprised at the reaction, no matter where you live.
  • When driving, slow down. Use your blinkers. Let others into your lane. Why not go all out and actually stop at a stop sign.
  • Share the love with friends and family. Think outside the box. Plan an activity or have a get-together.
  • Share the love with yourself. Indulge in a treat or take some personal time doing something you love. Something that says, “I am so good at what I do and I appreciate myself.”

Instead of the FOMO (fear of missing out), on Valentine’s Day, you will feel like you did your part to share the love. Maybe you’ll will even have a story to tell when everything goes back to normal on the 15th. Who knows?

If everyone would share the love on February 14th, Valentine’s Day could become the best holiday of all!

Do you have any other ideas for “Sharing the Love?”

Follow me on Twitter at @susielindau and share your ideas at #ShareTheLove.

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Share the Love - A New Idea for Valentine's Day. Click to celebrate this loving day even if you don't have a lover! Life Lessons, Live your best life, positivity, self care #selfcare #love #valentineideas #valentinesday #valentines

96 thoughts on ““Share the Love!” A New Idea for Valentine’s Day

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  1. What a terrific idea to share the love Susie! But it would be my hope to share it every day with different acts of kindness because in today’s world, one day isn’t quite enough. I mean, look how fast each day passes by. And each of us deserves love and affection each and every day. When it comes to love, we can never receive or give enough of it. It’s the gift that keeps on giving! (Hope you’re feeling better Susie!) 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Karen!
      My hope is the endorfin rush of doing simple acts of kindness might become addictive I have such a small voice, but hope somehow, it catches on!

      I am feeling better, thanks. It’s not the strides I thought I’d be taking by now, but I’ll take the baby steps. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. And then let’s make every day Valentine’s Day!
    There’s a famous motivational guru who suggests sending love in the direction of those you encounter. Not in a creepy way or a “Hey, Sailor” way. I had gotten into that habit and then fell out of it. This week I was sitting at a traffic light and a woman crossed the street in front of me and I couldn’t figure out her story. She may have been a street person who had somehow obtained a stylish new handbag or maybe that was entirely wrong. I found myself trying to figure this out and then I stopped my own thinking and remembered to send love in her direction. I felt better and I hope she, know matter who she is or what her story, had a beautiful day. And I hope you do, too.


    1. Thanks so much, Karen! I hope you have a fabulous day too. I wish I could have gotten the word out about Sharing the Love. I try to do that every day too, but I think everyone gets caught up in their daily lives.
      That is so wonderful that you put out good vibes to that lady. I do that whenever I see someone struggling. I think it works!


      1. We have a very strict security policy and I can’t read blogs at work, there’s limited wireless on the train, and my home computer is in its final days, so my reading/commenting time is limited to whatever might be on my screen when I have a minute to check in by phone. Trying to catch up now.


  3. One year I asked my husband to forgo the overpriced florist bouquet and instead arranged to have flowers delivered anonymously to a recently-widowed woman from church. That was truly the best Valentine’s Day memory I have. I hope it made her day…it sure made mine!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve always been curious about threesomes, but that’s as far as I’ve gone with that. 🙂 I’m paying it backwards by coming here a little late. ‘Been enjoying my trip and soaking up mucho sun. What a great list that we should do always and not just on VD. Everyday might be too much but perhaps once a week. I hope you had a fabulous VD with your amor. 🙂


    1. Thanks! It’s good to hear you’re enjoying your trip while warming up your aching bones. 🙂
      We had a great day of Sharing the Love! We celebrated with the kids and my sister and then went out for dinner. I am exhausted, but happy today! I have always shared the love daily, but writing the post is making me super aware of others. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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