Win a Handmade Card!

I’m the type of person who sets my bar so high, I can’t see it without binoculars. Many years ago, I toured Patsy Ramsey’s house (Yes. That Patsy Ramsey) as part of the Historic Homes for the Holidays tour. Afterward, I took my decorating to a whole new level. And my life was ruined.

Then it happened again. *gulp*

Since Danny and I married, my annual Christmas card portrayed our family engaging in some kind of holiday activity. I would sketch something, ink it, and then take it to a printer. This process became a lot easier with the invention of computers and printers.

The problem? I’m always in search of a challenge. Dang!

On a fateful day a few years ago, I flipped through a Christmas pop-up book by Sabuda and was cursed again. This started a whole new level of insanity.

Inside of Christmas Card

Last year’s card.

I was sucked into the vortex of drawing, slicing, cutting, pasting, and folding. This year, the pop-up mechanism was so strange looking, I had to refer to my prototype to fold it for the first 50. Yep. I’m producing a lot of cards this year.

Other examples of past Christmas madness.

So! Want to win one of these crazy creations? I have five cards to give away.

Guess what we are doing in this year’s card, leave a comment, and WIN! 

BONUS! I’ll link up your latest blog post.

If I have too many winners, Roxy will draw them from a hat.

On your mark, get set, GUESS! 

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55 thoughts on “Win a Handmade Card!

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  1. In the “Marching Card”, I think the Lindaus are on a mission to check off every item on their collective list – on Christmas Eve.
    With a newly-acquired – and extremely reluctant – puppy in tow!


  2. I’m absolutely stunned by your artistry! The only one in our house who sends cards (or gets them) is the dog. And she’s not very good at making them herself (that whole opposable thumb thing…) What is your family doing? I was going to guess making a snowman, but I’m sure others have said that. So how about putting that last ornament on top of the tree?

    Either way, I hope you all have a wonderful and perfect holiday, and a peaceful new year.


  3. I won one of your cards last year, Susie. It was so beautiful! You’re amazing. I’m guessing you’re skiing! Since last year’s season was pretty much a was because of your knee surgery.


  4. These are so impressive, Susie. I can’t imagine the amount of work involved (and time!). I’m sure your family and friends cherish them. That would be one Christmas card I wouldn’t have the heart to ever toss.


  5. Perhaps Mr. Coyote will join the family in some manner….. snowshoeing or sledding? I’m always in awe with the talents some folks possess, and you Susie are one talented gal. Lovely display of your beautiful and creative cards.


  6. I was wondering if we’d see this year’s creation. Really cool. (And so impressed you have/find/make time to do I feel like such a slacker with my silk screened ones not done…again)
    (JonBennet. Poor child. Is she destined to become local legend like frozen dead guy in Nederland?)


    1. Thanks so much, Colonist!
      She is…
      I’m afraid not labeling that top card deceived everyone into thinking it was the 2015 reveal. That’s last year’s card. *mistakes were made*
      Do you want to guess what we are doing in this year’s? I’ll reveal it soon!


  7. The art fair in Wisconsin and your dad, skiing, and being outdoors. All good guesses. Your cards a work of art and love. Wishing you and the entire clan a Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year. Peace on Earth.


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