Wild Thoughts on Election Day #MyVote2016

keep-calm-and-go-americaThis election has been a crazy reality TV show where the most unpredictable moments have blown our minds. Admit it. Jaw-dropping shock value is addictive. The lack of decorum and respect, name-calling, accusations and bullying has been like watching a high school kid troll on Facebook, only the actions came from a seventy-year-old man. On the other side, gnarly old scars hiding secrets and lies of deceit were reopened in the hope the truth would finally come out. Many waited with held breath, but no earth-shattering revelations have surfaced. Even if our candidate wins, many of us will continue to worry long after the election.

Unlike reality TV, the hatred and lack of respect spewed every day, seeped through the screen into some of its viewers. Anger and frustration boiled over into real life. They became trolls on the internet. Some became vicious.

60 Minutes aired a story where a control group, led by Frank Luntz, spiraled out of control. People interrupted. Name calling ensued. They exhibited rude behavior even though they were being recorded and millions would see them. Luntz said his mother would have disowned him for the horrible language they used. What’s up with that? 

Luntz concluded that no one is interested in learning anything. They only want to be heard. He blames the internet.

I think he’s wrong.

I blame the program. We’ve been watching this show for so long and from the beginning, it has broken all the rules. Moderators didn’t take control during the debates. Commercials include bleeped out words little kids can figure out. Our voting system and democracy itself has come into question. Many of my online friends who live in other countries wonder how we ended up with these candidates. So do I. World leaders who hate us are asking their citizens, desperate for freedom, “Is this what you want?”

Many voters defend their choice of candidate by pointing a finger at the other. Instead of voting for a candidate they have chosen the lesser of two evils. Our country stands divided.

I believe we’ve outgrown the two party system. Most of us want the same things; quality of life for ourselves, our children and for others. We love our country and its freedoms.

It’s time to stop pointing fingers and reach out to those less fortunate as we approach the season of giving. Thanksgiving is only two weeks away, people!

I would expect this reality show to continue waaay after election day, even after the inauguration. Eventually, acceptance of our new president will quiet the noise of frustration. Most will change the channel to focus on something else.

In the coming months, show others you are above those characters on crazy reality TV.

End the hatred.

Be kind.

Be respectful.

Be grateful to live in the United States of America.

I am.


Check out more of my Wild Colorado Adventures!

94 thoughts on “Wild Thoughts on Election Day #MyVote2016

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  1. Instead of voting for a candidate they have chosen the lesser of two evils. Our country stands divided.– yes.. Canada has had multiple parties for years– a female prime minister a long time ago.. I wonder why the United States has kept themselves in the dark for so long. I anticipate issues with this election.. I hope I am wrong


    1. I anticipate issues too. As long as it’s not close it won’t be as much of an issue. Do you have an extra bedroom? Ha! Check out Twitter and “Happy international moving to Canada day.” It’s hilarious!


  2. How lovely of the Weather Channel to offer election night alternative of only beautiful scenes of autumn leaves, water, mountains, and reminders of the outdoors – you know, where real life is. Too many too mesmerized by too many screens and too many yammering voices.
    The sun came up this morning and the world hasn’t ended. I remember being ver little and my dad explaining that yes, there’s an election and different people may be chosen to run the government, but the stregnth of this country was that shifts in this country came without fighting or bloodshead or total distruption lik ein other places in the world. That people here had a voice and even if they hated the “new” people, in 4 years there would be another election.
    The nation stands.
    We, the people, need to remember – and join hands and move together. And teach the kids, not hate and fear and name calling, but history and the process
    Cheers to you and to all of us. We need to unite


    1. EXACTLY!! I wish everyone would stop taunting each other. I’ve never witnessed so much emotion over an election. But some of the concerns are justified, especially where immigration is involved. It has opened the door for so many haters to vent openly. I couldn’t stand reading the feeds on Twitter. Eventually life will go on.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, there’s been equal emotion before, some just weren’t there to witness it then. No one’s dragging people out of homes, cutting off heads of tearing children from mother’s arms, or throwing people withlifestyles different from their own off roofs. The sun is coming up.
        This country’s population has always been rather hot headed, impulsive, and vocal – it’s just social media and instand news provides such a stage – and drama queen behavior is so prevalent. (I blame the lack of stage productions with everyone having a role in elementary school and middle schools HA HA…and Halloween is all about organized parties rather than the free form it used to be. Some sociologists say people need an event/night/way to put on mask (pulling off everyday ones) and let loose in order to keep a balance the rest of the year)
        I’ve stayed off blogs, screens, to avoid the hate and gloating. Neither is helpful or porductive. All it does is display intolerance and maybe a lack of understanding of government forms/processes. Society has tolerated coarse rude language and destructive in public for so long, why are we surprised – the kids have grown up seeing adults having temper tantrums and reacting violently.
        Eventually it will get cold, people will get bored, and the agitators will have fewer listening to them. But the remaining ones could become more dangerous as “hard core” pride sets in – just like many times before – like the 60’s. Actually came in contact with some of those long ago – but when asked exactly what they were going to replace this “oppressive governement”with…well, pretty vague answers, but the real outcome was the ones giving the marching orders were planning to take the reins and be on top…a la “Meet the new boss, just like the old boss..” song’s phrase.
        A review of the word “tolerance” is needed. Maybe write out the definition 10 times by hand?
        And a realization that the most effective way to change a system is to get inside and work from there. What I said then, and still. Yelling and whining is counterproductive. Be the solution.
        And let’s hope some compassionate solution is found for the world’s vast migration going on now. I don’t want to see one more infant found in alone in barren S. TX with a relative’s phone number on the poor thing’s onesie. Or images of coyotes feasting on a body of one who got across the river, but then got lost – or abandoned by their transporter. Or another shell shocked young girls being lead out of a shack by authorties where she had been held against her will until relatives could pay even more money as ransome before her release – if she was lucky and not forced into prostitution and moved all around the country. I live hours from the border. Constant news stories of drivers notifying police that there’s an 18 wheeler ahead of them and there’s a hand desperately waving – shoved out of a crack. And it’s 100 degrees with desperate people stuffed like potatoes without ventilation. Sometimes the police arrive too late. This had gotten too dangerous and brutal. There has to be a better way. We need to stop messing with places far away and help our neighbors.
        So now I sound like a really old person. So I blog about recycling diapers into a stinking wall or road to nowhere. About as absurd as these crowds in the streets.
        Really hope people wake up and stop destroying and start with solutions instead…there’s plenty to be done locally – in every community – and an idividual has a much better chance of making the world better by digging in small scale rather than “perfoming” (and they can “tell their children about it! They were there!” Heard that before…) for the cameras rioting and destroying in the streets hoping to make big scale (rather impossible) national change. This country does have a unique process – and 4 years isn’t that long. Meanwhile, work small solutions instead of creating more problems?
        Sigh. Sorry about the long ramble, Susie, but, yes, discouraging


  3. Mister Man made a comment that has been stuck in my head – monkeys behave better. It has been quite the show at times with plenty of bad or inappropriate behavior. My work touches on the political arena so it continues for me until June – I will be ready for some R&R by then. Happy Day – Enjoy 🙂


  4. This was not a “choice between 2 evils” it was a choice between a seriously evil bigoted conman manipulated by Russian interests and striving to take away hard won rights and protections and a normal human being who is the most qualified candidate ever to run for President but unfortunately had the temerity to be a woman. I am so tired of seeing this false equivalency as if Trump and Hillary are somehow comparable. They are not. Hillary has been vilified for things she did not do and we are now getting the first admissions from Trumps campaign manager that they did in fact lie about Hillary and about everything else during their campaign. People like you and others in the comments who decided it was just a fun game like a reality tv show between 2 appallingly bad housemates instead of actually bothering to find out the facts – who then voted for Trump coz it’s fun or for some other candidate as a protest or for Harambe or not at all to make a point, YOU have landed not just America but the entire world in a very dangerous and horrific situation. So no I’m not going to congratulate you on a “pithy” article or smile and laugh, or “accept” a lunatic who has promoted an atmosphere of extreme violence and fear in his own country, who is supported by the KKK and is now choosing cabinet members from the alt-right and other nazi-inspired sectors. I will NOT normalise his extreme racism, his sexual predation, his fraudulent behaviour, his lack of morality, his refusal to pay people who work for him and his smug belief he can get away with anything because he’s DONALD TRUMP. I condemn this man and everything he stands for & I will join others in fighting to try and remove him from his position of power or at the very least try to minimise the damage he does to America and the world while he is running rampant in the white house. I would have hoped you would do the same.


  5. Well said. Still, even today my facebook timeline is riddled with political postings, Ugh! Enough already. Wait until 2017 hits and things really hit the fan when Trump is in office, it will start all over again.


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