5 Things You Must Do for Your Birthday!

5 things to do for yourself on your birthdayHate celebrating your birthday? Always disappointed? I had a very Happy Birthday on the 11th and celebrated it BIG time this year. How? Easy. I depended on myself to have fun.

5 things you must do for your birthday:

#1. Take control. Plan your day in advance.

Waiting around for someone else to plan it is too much pressure on friends and family. Make it easy. Do it yourself.

Me – I didn’t want to exhaust myself with appointments and running around all day. Instead, I planned two outings and dinked around with a new toy I bought for my birthday. My son, Kelly, picked it out. *hint, hint* You’ll find out soon enough.

#2. Lower your expectations.

Oh, sure it would be great to be asked out to lunch or walk into a surprise party, but what if it doesn’t happen? Don’t let disappointment ruin your day.

Me – I didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary. I stuck to my plan.

#3. Pamper yourself.

Make an appointment for a massage, facial, nail or hair appointment. Or why not meet with a fortune teller. Ha! Hopefully they will tell you the next year will rock.

Me – I got my hair cut. Then I took a long nap and watched a movie. Why not? It was my day!

#4. Go out for a meal.

Whether you go with a special someone or go by yourself, be sure to pick your favorite restaurant and eat something delicious.

Me – I met my family in Denver for dinner at one of my favorites, Venice Ristorante.

Interior of Venice Ristorante from their site

#5. Enter three highlights into a gratitude journal at the end of the night. There’s a lot to be thankful for. You lived another year. Yay!

Me – It’s been exactly one month since my brother, Joe, passed away. I’m remembering him through my journal by living my wild life.

Many people hate birthdays since they feel horrible about being one year older. Get over it! Remember the alternative. I’ve faced down my own death (evil death!) and tried to breathe life into one who had passed. Birthdays are what life is all about. Bring them on!

This was all I needed.

Five things you must do on your birthday

Do you celebrate your birthday? What’s your favorite thing to do?

Related posts:

I Celebrated a Birthday, but Failed to Save a Life

When You put Your Dog in Charge of Your Birthday – VLOG

I’m Planning on a Happy Birthday!

81 thoughts on “5 Things You Must Do for Your Birthday!

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  1. Very nice Susie! All great points. I’m not a birthday person either. I am thankful to be remembered and that’s the limit of my hopes or expectations for it. Yes another year around the sun. I’d rather be going backwards.. But I am thankful for each new day. Love ya Susie! Enjoy your b day week and month! Eat out and travel often w the ones you love..


    1. Thanks so much, 3D Man! It’s good to have perspective. It’s all about having another day to enjoy life.
      Love you too! I plan to ride out my birthday as long as possible. Ha! When’s yours?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy belated birthday! We’re both April babies; my birthday is today! 🙂 I love celebrating my birthday– age is just a number, right? 😉 I always sort of plan my celebrations because then I know I’m doing exactly what I want to do, and that I’ll (hopefully) have all my favorite people to celebrate with me.


  3. Hay Susie, I wanted to come by and lift you up – 🙂 look you right in your eyes and say happy Easter to you and your family. I also came by to read your comments to see if you’ve been around, and you’re not MIA, or that if you are you are relaxing in a hot tub and chillax n’ with good music, along with good friends and the Danny Man.

    ‘Hay Colorado was on Glob Trekker yesterday evening, the Train lines west, and the tunnels and men who built them, the mining towns and such. I think we both reside in some awesomely beautiful and adventurous States. Hay I still think that you should seek out a Gliding adventure. How cool would it be to be silently riding in higher altitude, upon a sunny day to be met up with a soaring eagle or Hawk. You’re the perfect body weight and structure, height for flying up solo or tandem with an instructor, and you soul, she needs to be that free. Also Susie, I really admire your art work as much as your delightful spirit, and encourage you to rekindle your passion of art and creature your drawings 0nce again. Do consider yourself hugged Susie.


    1. Awww! Thanks so much, Brock! I can always use a warm hug from a good friend. Spent Sunday with Courtney and Danny. We had a lovely Easter. The Cardinal said mass in the most gorgeous marble cathedral. It was magical. I hope you had a nice Easter too. 🙂
      When I first blogged, six years ago, I planned all kinds of adventures like gliding. I went heli-
      skiing, but I would have to become super confident in life before parachuting or gliding. You’re right. It would be cool though. When was the last time you glided?
      I’m just now getting some traction since that fateful week. I’m a month behind in my writing and editing, but hope to get some artwork done soon!
      Thanks for the attaboys!


      1. Susie I just lost it here, sleep deprived after yesterdays pluming disaster, and my brain here is really messing up. I chat in a day or so, I need some sleep for now, as I am not making much sense here in my writing from sleep deprivation. Good night Susie.


  4. I like your five. I just (not)celebrated a milestone birthday, kind of accidentally. We had made plans but like you said, you never know what will happen. A family crisis had pretty much all of us not even remembering that it was my birthday and “happy” didn’t really fit the circumstances. It will be marked on another day in another way. Happy Birthday to you, Susie.


  5. A belated happy birthday Susie. I booked a makeup lesson this year and I went out and bought a lot of new cosmetics. I have been out twice now with my new face and got lots of complements so I am thrilled. 😊


    1. Best birthday ever! I can understand how hitting milestone birthdays can give some people pause and even dread, but I fight for every one of them! Fifty-nine and counting!


  6. Duuuuuuude! Happy Belated Birthday Wild Rider! Sorry I missed it, but I’ve been on here once a week this month so I missed a couple of posts, but I’m trying to get back on track. I love your 5 steps. Back in the day I used to rely on other people to try and jazz up my birthday and make me feel that special special feeling, but I realized that after years of disappointment I would definitely do a better job of jazzing myself up. I totally rock at that now. I totally plan it out myself because the surprise party isn’t coming. I depend on myself for my own happiness now, even on birthdays 🙂 It was one of the greatest decision I’ve made, and great food on that day is a must! Hope you had an AWESOME day and can’t wait to hear about the little surprise you got 🙂 HAPPY Belated Birthday buddy! I am so glad you were born and that you crossed my path, your Wild Rider stories are always heart warming, uplifting, touching, and real. Have a good week!


    1. Thanks so much, Guat! It was great to get my hair done and go out with family for dinner.
      I’m glad we crossed paths too. I’ve had some stellar birthdays and some that missed the mark since I aimed too high. Not anymore. Now they are just as I imagine. Ha! It truly works! Glad you figured that out on your own too. When’s yours?


    2. Thanks so much, Guat! It was very fun. A little I’m glad we crossed paths too. I’ve had some stellar birthdays and some that missed the mark since I aimed too high. Not anymore. Now they are just as I imagine. Ha! It truly works! Glad you figured that out on your own too. When’s yours?


  7. I’m actually celebrating my birthday today. Or no actually: It’s my birthday today but I decided that I don’t want to celebrate it today as we are all super busy all day long and I don’t think it will be the right day. So I chose tomorrow. My husband will cook a nice dinner and we will have friends over. I might even take my daughter out to get our nails done but that I’m not yet sure about 😉

    Happy Birthday to you and glad you had a great day xoxo


  8. You are amazing. Keep it up.
    And please checkout my blog too. I’m new here. Hope you’ll like it. Any suggestions feel free to comment. Thank you 🙂


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