I Finished NaNoWriMo – Now What?

I met this year's NaNoWriMo challenge with an open throttle and pedal to the floor hitting 50,000 words on Friday, November 15th. But I didn't celebrate. I wasn't excited at all. I still had to finish it. I was super close and had several choices, but worried about the ending. Remember, worry and doubt is... Continue Reading →

Hitting the Halfway Point

When I wrote my 25, 000th word for National Novel Writing Month, it reminded me of swimming through the Boulder Reservoir to touch the ice during the Polar Plunge on New Year’s Day. They’re both a sink or swim venture.  It got tough when I could barely touch the bottom. My legs and arms grew... Continue Reading →

Why I Joined the Madness

I’m an obsessed idea freak, by that I mean, once I get an idea in my head I have to accomplish my goal. It drives me nuts until I do. After talking about it, visualizing, and then calculating the best route, I keep my eye on the prize gleaming at the finish line. I’m sure... Continue Reading →

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